Eric 'Renderking' Fisk tries to answer the most difficult How-To Questions associated with Vintage Threads and how Retro's and Vintage Aficionados

Frequently Asked Questions - Seldom Ever Answered Once And For All...

Updated on March 15th, 2008

Over the years, many people have asked us the same questions over and over again... and I've answer them many different ways. Recently it occurred to me to keep an archive of what I've posted and just link to this page on other forums...

Keep in mind - there are some questions that their just isn't any answers to any more since the Seattle Grudge Look that was made popular during the early 1990's where looking bad (meaning unkempt, mismatched, disheveled...) all the rules of what works and what doesn't were either erased or irrevocably altered. It's now "OK" to wear things that don't work well together as part of being "Hip." So, I'm not nor do I have the "Definitive" answer to these questions. I'm the world's expert on my own opinion - and this is my continuing work in progress in the effort to keep Vintage Style alive.

Any questions? Feel free to shoot us off an e-mail. If you have an article to share or have us archive for you, feel free to send it along.

If you have any questions and would like an immediate answer you can visit our forum...

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Keep your chin up and your fedora on!
Eric 'Renderking' Fisk.


How can I pick the best fedora for myself to go with the wardrobe I already have?

My advice to anyone who is getting a fedora is to catch up on my laundry (Trust Me, I'm giving a great piece of advice here, I'm not trying to help out your mom or wife...) and put all your laundry away in your closet. Then just stand there and look at your clothes. Where do most of your clothes fit on the color wheel? What's your shade? Are you a Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn?

When you get the vibe for what colors you wear that look best on you, THEN go looking for the perfect fedora that's right for you.


How do I get a blue suit to go with a brown fedora. Isn't that Impossible?

Since the Seattle Grudge Look took hold during the 1990's (see above) it's perfectly 'fine' to wear things that don't go together... for some people, anyways.

Best way to bring a blue suit with a brown fedora is pretty simple: A Tie.

Simply buy a few ties that have the colors of both the suit and the fedora in it. Close enough will do since it might be very difficult to find one tie that will have the exact shade of colors that the suit and fedora are made from... The right tie will visually link the suit jacket with the fedora and suddenly the two will match.

You might also want to buy shirts in different shades of brown - from tan to chocolate.

Do you have a brown Overcoat? Wear that during the colder months and you're good to go...

Now, to complicate things - I'm gong to mention the shoes. Some folks think it's OK to wear a blue suit with brown shoes. I don't - regardless of what you're wearing with it. A blue suit, brown fedora with brown leather shoes? Might look good on 'paper' via the written word. I'm of the strong opinion that men should always wear a blue or gray suit with black shoes with a black belt, even if they're wearing a brown fedora and tie with the same colors...

In short - finding the right tie will bring together any outfit.


Isn't The "Indy Look" Out?

First, let me qualify my remarks by saying this: This isn't an "Indiana Jones Costume" website. The Fedora Chronicles isn't trying to duplicate the efforts of other websites by focusing on just one costume worn by one character in a series of movies.

I want to answer the age old question: "Ok, now that I have the elements of my favorite costume for daily wear, now what?" This site isn't just for fans of that particular movie, it's for people who are interested in the whole era and their favorite aspects of clothes that

I sort of consider "The Indiana Jones Costume" as the "gateway drug" for  Retroholics. Yea, you start out with the fedora and leather jacket... and a few other props. Then you're flipping through the channels and you spot a film like "The Thin Man" or "Casablanca" and there's another cool dude with a fedora. Then you have to replicate or reproduce the "Nick Charles" or "Richard Blaine" look. Next thing you know you're subscribing to XM radio just to listen to the "Forties On Four" music channel and DirectTV for Turner Classic Movies... it's an addiction that I hope doesn't have a cure.

There are some of us who are going for the "Raiders" look, there are those of us who are going for the Bogart look from "The Maltese Falcon" or "Casablanca," and there's also those like myself who are trying to combine modern items with vintage or reproductions of those items from that era and create a whole new look - all of these types of men and women are who we are trying to cater too... This site isn't just about clothes; it's about what we do, what we think and where we're going and been while we're perfecting the look we're aiming for...

Now, to the question: "Isn't the Indy Look" out?

... What exactly are you talking about? You mean the costume Deborah Nadoolman (Now married to the director John Landis and now goes by Deborah Nadoolman-Landis) created in the late 1970’s/early 1980’s? The costume was a refinement distillation of the style of dress men actually wore during that era! Many elements of that costume were indeed perfected and made more practical for the physical requirements of the motion picture, but for the most part it's pretty accurate.

Do you also mean to say that the wardrobe of all men during that era is now "Out?" That they style of dress worn by Gary Cooper as Robert Jordan in "For Whom The Bell Tolls" is now "Out?" You’re saying the out fit Bogart wore in almost all of his movies (Especially "Treasure Of The Sierra Madre`" and "Tokyo Joe,") is also out? I highly doubt that’s true. I would also venture to say that everyone else in the Retro/Vintage community would vehemently (and perhaps violently) disagree with you.

How can Earth Tones ever be "Out?"


Did "Indiana Jones" SAVE Stetson?/What happened to Stetson?/Why don't you like Stetson Hats?

Stetson as a whole name brand was having no problems before or after "Raiders Of The Lost Ark" - in fact it was thriving because of their Western products. The FEDORA division of Stetson was in trouble because not enough people were buying them and the ones they were buying were of such horrible quality. Once people started showing an interest in fedoras (due to Raiders and classic movies from the Golden Era being released on VHS) and the demand for them increased, Stetson's sales also increased for a while. But I remember clearly there being conversations about their quality not being that good and we were on the look out for other names in quality. Why we never cracked open the Boston or New York Phone books in the library to search for custom hatters escapes me. (I still kick myself in the tail for that.)

The Stetson name today in the fedora circles isn't worth the time it takes to type it out, most because they make horrible disposable novelty crap that you wear once and throw out. The older stuff (made before 1955, IMHO) is great if you can get your hands on one. What they sell today isn't.


What do you think of The Dorfman Pacific 'Official' LucasFilm fedora?

I get violently angry when I see someone trying to pass a product off that's inferior in more ways they one.

I can just imagine some budding Retro-Centric/Vintage Aficionado who wants a fedora and saves up to get one of these pieces of crap and then feels let down, cheated and even robbed because the slightest bit of rain ruins the Dorfman. That company is preying on the ignorance and lack of knowledge that some customers have.

It doesn't matter if the fedora's aren't screen accurate! It doesn't matter that the crown is too short or that it's a C-Dent and not a center dent - the fact remains that they're made out of junk and don't hold up to regular wear and real life. Mr. Lucas should be ashamed and embarrassed that he allowed his name to be attached to such a scandal and a swindle.

If you’re short on money but want a good fedora – I can’t say enough good things about The Akurbra Federation (Deluxe Or Regular.) You'll pay a little more for it, but it will last far longer then anything Dorfman sells. I have one that I've owned since 2002 and it STILL looks great.


Why Vintage/Retro?

There’s a legion of people out there who have this longing to see the styles of the 1920’s – 1950 return. There’s a whole community on line – with it’s suburbs/forums – who became enamored with the look of one particular character or another and wish to emulate that person’s style of dress. There’s one forum that’s gone so far in trying to replicate the costume of one character that they now have several vendors working with them to perfect that look.

I’m more interested in the “Everyman” look of the 1930’s, but those other forums are a terrific place to start…

Modern Fashion has no appeal to people like myself. I don’t care for it. I think many aspects of modern "fashion" is simply stupid or lazy. Since when are gym clothes and tracksuits a fashion statement? How we dress reflects how we feel about ourselves and how we want others to see us. Do you want people to see you and think: "He’s too lazy, he couldn’t even change his clothes after he finished at the gym!” Modern Fashion seems to have its only purpose be in making people look genuinely stupid and foolish. Perfect example has to be when Kevin Federline was the spokesperson for a line of clothing. Who wants to look like a dead-beat, freeloading, wanna-be Hip-Hop artist? Sadly, too many do.

I also believe that modern fashion’s use of color and cut is inspired by the counter-culture’s use of LSD during "The Age Of Aquarius” and sparked the birth of "Fashion" and caused the death of style. I want no part of that "Mod" look.


I that whole classic period of menswear just an aesthetic thing?

It's more then that, I believe. It's not a superficial thing. We have this perceived notion that life might have been better "back then." The folks I know on line (I hope) here and elsewhere want to try and figure out what made that special, what made men of yesterday the heroes and legends of today... and try and apply that "magic" to our lives today.

I believe it's more about what you wear... again why I had to start my own site and why I participate in ones like this one here.



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