The Official Galactic Federation Podcast!

The Fedora Chronicles Radio Show · The Official Galactic Federation Podcast!

Jason Cousineau and Eric Renderking Fisk | December 14th, 2020

Jason Cousineau and Eric Renderking Fisk discuss the disclosure about a real "Galactic Federation," Rethinking "Two Plus Two" in the realm of abstract math and the social media controversy surrounding non-linear thinking, the passing of Chuck Yeager, and picking up the mantle after our childhood heroes pass on.

We also preview the miniseries with Paige Elmore surrounding the revelations from Tom O'Neil's book, "Chaos..." And once again... how we screw with Telemarketers.

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Show Notes and Links

NBC News: "Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it A "galactic federation" has been waiting for humans to "reach a stage where we will understand... what space and spaceships are," Haim Eshed said." By Adela Suliman and Paul Goldman | December 8th, 2020

Harvard University Department of Biostatistics: PhD student Kareem Carr’s productive Twitter dialogue about the abstract nature of mathematics was recently  profiled by Popular Mechanics in an article entitled “Why Some People Think 2+2=5…and why they’re right.”

After seeing the impact of both the online dialogue and the recent article, Carr’s “hope is that you understand the flexible relationship between our mathematical systems, our perceptions of the world, and the symbolic manipulations we use to reason about reality. We are not passive observers.”

Popular Mechanics: "Why Some People Think 2+2=5 ...and why they're right," Caroline Delbert | August 7, 2020

Critical armchair mathematicians are having a moment after a thread about the created nature of numbers spread on Twitter.

Kareem Carr, a biostatistics Ph.D. student at Harvard University, says that sharing his ideas about numbers and abstraction to a large audience on Twitter helps him find others who think differently and are excited about connecting theory to reality.

And while some bad-faith critics have flooded his notifications with unkind assumptions, he’s still happy to put his ideas out there.

Kareem Carr on Twitter: "EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT "2+2=5". As a former mathematician, I have things to say..."